Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Devotional 95 - Treasure


"It is as though the man stood there with his hands full of money and Jesus said, 'You lack one thing; reach out and take my hands.' To do this the man must open his fingers and let the money fall."
What Jesus Demands From the World     by John Piper

Mark 10:21 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him,and said to him, "One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up your cross, and follow Me."  

When Jesus gave the challenge to the rich man the Bible makes very clear that the Mighty Creator, Lord of the universe, loved the man.

Out of love for us Jesus challenges us to give up the lesser treasure to receive the greater treasure.
What is one thing today that I have my hand wrapped around?

It used to be my children's success. So God let them, on occasion fail. It reminded me that Christ was and is my greater need, my greatest treasure.

On this latest trip to Colorado, I realized my hands were gripping my in-laws, affectionately called Momo and Popo. A sadness surrounded me because I realized at 93, with weak hearts and poor digestion , they were going to someday die.

I need Momo and Popo to live. Beautiful Boulder will not be the same without them. "Hang on, Carol, hold them tight," I told myself as if my grip could keep them here.

But the one thing I need is not Momo and Popo. My one treasure is not their love. IT IS JESUS!!!!

Jesus, our solid Rock, our sure Foundation, our Fountain of Joy, Lover of our souls----the Great Comforter who will never, ever leave us.

Open your hand! Grab on to Jesus! He is your treasure!