Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Devotional 109 "No Good Feel" Day

"David, writer of the Psalms, did not tiptoe around God out of fear that God would...hold his thoughts against him. David whined, fussed, and praised, depending on how he felt and what his circumstances were."  Tell Me Everything by Marilyn Meberg

"Unless the Lord had helped me, I would soon have settled in the silence of the grave. I cried out, 'I am slipping!' But Your unfailing love, O Lord,supported me."  Psalm 94: 17, 18.

The month of April was busy for me, as I am sure it was for many of you. But after a few nights of restless sleep, I woke up one morning feeling drained and depressed. I am prone to higher bouts of introspection and I tend to worry more when I am tired.

Do you suppose Jesus had days like that? He was tired, John 4:6. He was hungry, Matthew 4:2. He wept, John 11:35. How did He stay focused? How did He fight fear or depression? Jesus, both fully God and fully man went to the Father often. Early in the morning while it was still dark He went alone to pray, Mark 1:35. He prayed all night, Luke 6:12. In Luke 18:1 Jesus said.."men always ought to pray and not lose heart." Hours before  His death He knelt down and prayed. Being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. What does the scripture tell us? "Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven, strengthening Him." Luke 22:43

So on my "no good feel" day I pushed my legs out of bed, sat up, moaned, and said to myself: "I do not feel like it, I am achy, and mentally miserable, but I will spend time in Your Word, I will speak to you. I will be honest about the weights chained around my heart. With the help of Your Holy Spirit, I will, I will.  Because what you and I need on those blue days is to be strengthened and renewed by God.

We could go shopping, or watch a good movie, or have lunch with our girlfriends, or any number of things to make ourselves feel better. But what we really need is time with our Savior, Jesus, who understands our humanity and comforts as only God can do.

And comfort me He did that dreary morning in April. He has to do it for us over and over again. Yet He never grows tired or weary of giving us new perspectives, lavishing His love on us, and enabling us to accomplish His will. His mercies are new every morning.

Are you having a "no good feel" day? Go to God!